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      • Residential Leasehold
      • 01295 661501
      • 07387 647776
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      • Wills Trusts and Probate
      • 01295 661406
      • 07387 647801
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      • Admin
      • 01295 661425
      • 07580 735812
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      • Admin
      • 01295 661486
      • 07800 872849
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      • Life Changing Injury
      • Personal Injury
      • 01788 557555
      • 07890 626393
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      • Wills Trusts and Probate
      • 01788 557641
      • 07971 126245
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  • Amelia Morley-Smith
      • Family Law
      • 01788 557612
      • 07407 153585
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      • Wills Trusts and Probate
      • 01788 557639
      • 07811189133
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      • Wills Trusts and Probate
      • 01788 557668
      • 07387 647797
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      • Wills Trusts and Probate
      • 07435 786128
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      • Arrears Recovery
      • Dispute Resolution
      • Litigation
      • Property Management
      • 01295 661411
      • 07964 000712
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  • Bethany Hoare
      • Litigation
      • Private Client Dispute Resolution
      • 01788 557581
      • 07342 667733
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      • Family Law
      • 01788 557633
      • 07807 472963
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      • Family Law
      • 01788 557569
      • 07805 893920
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      • Family Law
      • Care Proceedings and Social Services
      • 01788 557602
      • 07552 857483
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      • Arrears Recovery
      • Property Management
      • 01295 661479
      • 07342 229242
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      • Conveyancing
      • 01788 557560
      • 07387 647788
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      • Family Law
      • 01295 661443
      • 07342 666588
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      • Admin
      • 01295 661517
      • 07970 872049
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        • 01788 557646
        • 07342 666225
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        • Conveyancing
        • 01788 557557
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        • Dispute Resolution
        • Litigation
        • Private Client Dispute Resolution
        • 01295 661434
        • 07896 938126
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        • Family Law
        • 01788 557553
        • 07387 647798
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        • Property Management
        • Property Litigation
        • Residential Leasehold
        • 01295 661482
        • 07805 893915
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        • Family Law
        • 01869 255903
        • 07800 872828
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        • Wills Trusts and Probate
        • 01788 557564
        • 07800 872936
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        • Dispute Resolution
        • Property Litigation
        • Residential Leasehold
        • 01788 557554
        • 07423 608070
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        • Conveyancing
        • 01869 255904
        • 07387 647796
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        • Arrears Recovery
        • Property Management
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        • Conveyancing
        • 01788 557563
        • 07387 647771
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        • Wills Trusts and Probate
        • 01869 255912
        • 07972 502099
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        • Arrears Recovery
        • Property Management
        • 01295 661543
        • 07387 647772
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        • Conveyancing
        • 01788 557681
        • 07342 666884
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        • Arrears Recovery
        • Property Management
        • 01295 661515
        • 07972 494738
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        • Admin
        • 01295 661416
        • 07815 839503
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        • Wills Trusts and Probate
        • 01295 661454
        • 07387 647775
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        • Family Law
        • 01295 661592
        • 07387 647777
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        • Litigation
        • Private Client Dispute Resolution
        • 01788 557607
        • 07551 999226
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        • Admin
        • 01788 557552
        • 07989 204966
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        • Family Law
        • 01788 557603
        • 07972 621058
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        • Jon Rees
        • Partner - Life Changing Injury
        • Life Changing Injury
        • Personal Injury
        • 01788 557617
        • 07772 081566
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        • Dispute Resolution
        • Private Client Dispute Resolution
        • Wills Trusts and Probate
        • 01869 255911
        • 073426 66885
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        • Family Law
        • 01788 557585
        • 07964 068669
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        • Conveyancing
        • 01788 557605
        • 07791 743654
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        • Conveyancing
        • 01788557643
        • 07971126243
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        • Family Law
        • Care Proceedings and Social Services
        • 01788 557700
        • 07387 647780
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    • Katie Nightingale
        • Child Matters
        • Domestic Abuse
        • Family Law
        • 01788 557627
        • 07342 669222
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        • Family Law
        • 01295 661504
        • 07972 658193
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        • Family Law
        • 01788 557596
        • 07552 857924
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        • Wills Trusts and Probate
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        • Wills Trusts and Probate
        • 01788 557571
        • 07972 502477
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        • Family Law
        • 01295661412
        • 07551909010
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        • Wills Trusts and Probate
        • 01295 661532
        • 07387 647787
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        • Conveyancing
        • 01295 661507
        • 07342 665888
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        • Property Management
        • 01295 661405
        • 07342 228786
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        • Conveyancing
        • 01295 661407
        • 07387 647779
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        • Brain Injuries
        • Family Law
        • Life Changing Injury
        • Personal Injury
        • Private Client Dispute Resolution
        • Wills Trusts and Probate
        • 01788 557588
        • 07974 087374
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        • Conveyancing
        • 01869 255906
        • 07387 647793
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        • Wills Trusts and Probate
        • 01788 557572
        • 07816 450407
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        • Family Law
        • Care Proceedings and Social Services
        • 01295 661404
        • 079641 23350
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        • Family Law
        • 01788 557584
        • 07342 229230
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        • Family Law
        • Care Proceedings and Social Services
        • 01788 557590
        • 07387 647791
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    • Lorna Monks
        • Arrears Recovery
        • Property Management
        • 01295 661418
        • 07972 497044
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        • Conveyancing
        • 01788 557558
        • 07813 546551
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        • Admin
        • 01295 661444
        • 07800 873004
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        • Wills Trusts and Probate
        • 01869255913
        • 07342 666588
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    • Manpreet Shokar
        • Family Law
        • 01788 557587
        • 07580 716881
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        • Arrears Recovery
        • Property Management
        • Property Litigation
        • Residential Leasehold
        • 01788557599
        • 07972621070
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        • Family Law
        • 01788 557592
        • 07387 647801
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        • Family Law
        • 01295 661528
        • 07964 123350
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        • Family Law
        • 01295 661432
        • 07387 647781
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        • Wills Trusts and Probate
        • 01869 255925
        • 07972 494844
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        • Arrears Recovery
        • Property Management
        • 01295 661491
        • 07342 661144
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        • Wills Trusts and Probate
        • 01788 557575
        • 07805 739696
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        • Admin
        • 01788 557595
        • 07896 320495
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    • Penny Morris
        • Arrears Recovery
        • Property Management
        • 07812 176533
        • 01295 661490
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        • Family Law
        • Care Proceedings and Social Services
        • 01788 557591
        • 07387 647790
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        • Family Law
        • 01295 661414
        • 07387 647795
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        • Family Law
        • 01295 661495
        • 07342 666533
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        • Family Law
        • 01788 557619
        • 07772 081571
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        • Property Litigation
        • Residential Leasehold
        • 01295 661453
        • 07970 872055
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        • Residential Leasehold
        • 01788557600
        • 07342666687
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          • 01295661551
          • 07387 647785
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          • Family Law
          • 01869 255916
          • 07854 857311
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      • Sam Hunt
          • Residential Leasehold
          • 01788557683
          • 07973 949225
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          • Residential Leasehold
          • 01788557583
          • 07342666651
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          • Conveyancing
          • 01295661402
          • 07977013965
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          • Wills Trusts and Probate
          • 01295 661535
          • 07791 229307
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          • Family Law
          • 01295 661529
          • 07815 839505
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          • Family Law
          • 01788 557733
          • 07974 087446
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          • Dispute Resolution
          • Property Management
          • Property Litigation
          • 01788 557672
          • 07972 494945
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          • Family Law
          • 01295 661430
          • 07967 471779
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          • Arrears Recovery
          • Property Management
          • 01295 661554
          • 07387 647794
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          • Admin
          • 01295 661547
          • 07435 786137
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          • Conveyancing
          • 01869 255905
          • 07580 078167
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          • Admin
          • 01295 661473
          • 07814 379518
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          • Family Law
          • 01295 661431
          • 07773 034943
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          • Arrears Recovery
          • Property Management
          • 01295 661593
          • 07387 647784
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          • Wills Trusts and Probate
          • 01869 255918
          • 07972496990
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      • Uzma Akhtar
          • Arrears Recovery
          • Dispute Resolution
          • Litigation
          • Property Management
          • 01295 661548
          • 07964 123349
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          • Arrears Recovery
          • Property Management
          • 01295 661422
          • 07972 497106
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          • Residential Leasehold
          • 01295 661438
          • 07972 502085
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          • Residential Leasehold
          • 01295 661426
          • 07972 621529
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          • Wills Trusts and Probate
          • 01788 557647
          • 07970 872061
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          • Conveyancing
          • 01869 255917
          • 07387 647789
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      A successful firm is as much about its people as its service. That’s why we take great care to employ the best.

      Alison McCormack

      Partner and CEO