Counselling, and emotional support, can take many forms and be beneficial in a variety of contexts. Some people might believe that you only need to engage in therapy if there is something “wrong” with you, but this isn’t the case. Some individuals may be referred after being diagnosed with a medical condition e.g., depression or anxiety, but for others it might be that they have experienced difficult circumstances or suffered a trauma and need a safe place to try to make sense of things with a trained professional.
Many of the individuals who approach Brethertons for legal advice, will have suffered a loss of some description; relationship or family breakdown, a bereavement, physical and mental abuse or maybe an injury that has severely impacted their physical or emotional wellbeing. The team at Brethertons aims to support its clients in the best ways possible. As a result, they have recognised throughout the years, that emotional support can be highly significant in helping their clients get through personal trauma.
Clients are offered the opportunity, free of charge, to meet with a qualified psychotherapist, where they can confidentially share their experiences and the potential impacts on their emotional wellbeing. Therapy offers the opportunity and safe place to feel heard, accepted and understood. Friends and family are hugely important as a support network but sometimes offloading to a professional, who can guide and support with empathy and respect can be very beneficial.
Therapy can often play a major part in the recovery process, helping emotional wounds to begin to heal. The opportunity to reflect on past experiences to try to ensure that patterns aren’t repeated or simply just the discussion around making more positive choices can be hugely valuable, according to many of our clients past and present who have engaged with our service.
As today is named “Blue Monday”, the team at Brethertons can offer both legal and emotional support to our clients. If you feel a chat might be helpful and reassure you a little, please call 01788 579579 to speak with one of the team.
A recent testimonial received by a client. “Your counselling had a huge positive effect on my life. It really changed my entire perspective on the separation, the relationship I had and how to manage the challenges with my ex and the children. I owe you a huge thanks and I really couldn't have got through it the way I did, or continue to manage it as I do, without your help. The level of inner peace you have helped me achieve is inexplicable. I can't thank you enough!”
Liz Headley, Family Consultant, 01788 557590
Dominic Wisdom, Partner - Divorce & Finance, 01869 255903