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Josh Hayward

If I could turn back time...I'd have challenged that will sooner

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Generally, applications challenging the validity of a person’s wills are not time-limited. In contrast, claims under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependents) Act 1975 are time-limited to six months from the date that the Grant of...

Have I been left a life interest in a Property under a Will or is it just a right to occupy?

  • Posted

Property can be left under a Will to a beneficiary, without that beneficiary owning the property but still having an interest in possession. However, an interest in possession can take different forms, depending on how the will is drafted. Interest in...

Are Letters of Wishes actually that useful, or are they just wishful thinking?

  • Posted

Having been late to the party, I have finally watched the final series of the Succession, I couldn’t help but notice the dispute regarding Logan Roy’s ‘instructions’ upon his death and speculate what the outcome could be in England or...

Who has the right to organise a funeral, and how to avoid a grave mistake?

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People always want to do their best for their loved ones, and included in that, is providing a funeral service that they think their deceased relative or friend would be pleased with. However, this can cause issues of contention between different family...

The Estate of Michael Gambon - less 'expecto patronum' and more 'expecto a claim'?

  • Posted

Just because someone is famous it does not necessarily mean they have their affairs in order when they die. It is quite common to hear of celebrities who have passed and whose death has raised various questions into the administration of their estate, and...