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Brethertons takes up Residence in New Bicester Landmark

We have come a step closer to opening our brand-new offices in Franklins House, Bicester, with today’s acceptance of the keys to our new property.

Partner Steven Neasham commented “I’m delighted to receive the keys to our stunning modern offices. Our move to Franklins House demonstrates our continuing investment in the town and we can’t wait to get started. The hard work begins now!”

Steve was joined by members of Cherwell District Council as well as representatives from the Library and Travelodge who will also be housed in the new building. With the keys safely in our hands, we can concentrate on moving from our current offices in Sheep Street, to Franklins House. 

Services will build on our already well-established practice which includes conveyancing, family law, wills, trusts and probate. We will open for business at our new premises on Monday 25th April 2016.

To celebrate the move, we have launched a photo competition in the town. #PictureBicester encourages people to take a fresh look at Bicester and capture it on camera, whether it’s a favourite view, a treasured building or a location with happy memories.

The winning shots will be printed on canvases to adorn our new offices, with plaques recognising the successful photographers. Visit the website for details and the chance to win an iPad. The closing date is Friday 29th April.